Human Input / Simple human readable data markup.
name: "Hip"
type: "Markup language"
version: 1.0
tags: "markup", "serialization", "language"
Hip does not try to replace any data markups or create a new standard. The target of hip is to be readable and writable by non-technicals folks without out having to explain the syntax.
This Hip parser is written in PHP using PSR-4 autoloading you can install it using composer.
"mario-deluna/hip": "dev-master"
Decode a hip data string to an array:
Hip\Hip::decode( $hipString );
Encode an array to a hip data string:
Hip\Hip::decode( $myArray );
Read hip file:
Hip\Hip::read( 'my/path/to/file.hip' );
Write hip file:
Hip\Hip::write( 'my/path/to/file.hip', $myArray );
name: "Zaphod beeblebrox"
job: "President of the Galaxy"
wich equals
"name": "Zaphod beeblebrox",
"job": "President of the Galaxy"
duration: 60
ingredients: "eggs", "bacon", "cream", "leek"
wich equals
"duration": 60,
"ingredients": [ "eggs", "bacon", "cream", "leek" ]
name: "Guitar"
strings: 6
name: "Bass"
strings: 4
wich equals
"name": "Guitar",
"strings": 6
"name": "Bass",
"strings": 4
string: "Hello World"
integer: 42
float: 3.14
yepBool: yes
nopeBool: no
nothing: nil
wich equals
"string": "Hello World",
"integer": 42,
"float": 3.14,
"yepBool": true,
"nopeBool": false,
"nothing": null