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SQL Select Basics

The basics are where, group, order and limit. For joins check out Joining data.

Keep in mind that I'm also aliasing the people table inside the $people variable for all examples in this document.

$people = $h->table('people');

Note: The displayed SQL query in the examples has no prepared statements. In other words the "?" placeholders have been replaced with the actual parameter.

Columns / fields

By default, Hydrahon will simply select all fields using the * asterisk.

// SQL: select * from `people`

You can pass an array of column/field names as an argument to the select method.

// SQL: select `name`, `age` from `people`
$people->select(['name', 'age'])->get();

Aliasing a field works by writing as just as you are used to from SQL.

// SQL: select `name`, `some_way_to_long_column_name` as `col` from `people`
$people->select(['name', 'some_way_to_long_column_name as col'])->get();

Note: that the column names are escaped for more info about that read: parameter parsing and escaping.

The query builder will also accept key value data and will convert them to an alias.

// SQL: select `name`, `some_way_to_long_column_name` as `col` from `people`
$people->select(['name', 'some_way_to_long_column_name' => 'col'])->get();

You can overwrite the initial (all) fields/columns any time using the fields method.

// SQL: select `name`, `group` from `people`
$people->select('id')->fields(['name', 'group'])->get();

Adding fields

If you don't want to overwrite the selected fields you can make use of the addField method which will append the new field.

// SQL: select `name`, `age` from `people`
$query = $people->select('name');

if ($iNeedTheAge) {

The addField method allows you to define an alias with the optional second parameter:

// SQL: select `name`, `complicated_age_column` as `age` from `people`
$query = $people->select('name');

if ($iNeedTheAge) {
    $query->addField('complicated_age_column', 'age');

Raw Expressions

Because by default the columns will be quoted, you need to specify when you want to make some kind of raw operation or call an aggregation function. Use the ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Expression to define a literal, raw expression for use in the generated query.

// SQL: select `name`, deleted_at is not null as is_deleted from `people`
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Expression as Ex;

    new Ex('deleted_at is not null as is_deleted')

This also works using the addField method. There you can pass the alias as the optional second argument:

// SQL: select `name`, deleted_at is not null as `is_deleted` from `people`
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Expression as Ex;

    ->addField(new Ex('deleted_at is not null'), 'is_deleted')


Using the ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Func object you can call native database functions:

// SQL: select NOW() from `people`
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Func as F;

$people->select(new F('NOW'))->get();

The first parameter to the constructor of ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Func is the name of the function. All other parameters will be used (and escaped) as parameters of this function:

// SQL: select count(`people`.`group_id`) from `people`
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Func as F;

$people->select(new F('count', 'people.group_id'))->get();

If you want to alias the result, use addField with its second parameter as documented above:

// SQL: select `name`, count(`people`.`group_id`) as `group` from `people`
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Func as F;

    ->addField(new F('count', 'people.group_id'), 'group')

For the most common functions, Hydrahon features addField-shortcuts:

  • addFieldCount($field, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('count', $field), $alias)
  • addFieldMax($field, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('max', $field), $alias)
  • addFieldMin($field, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('min', $field), $alias)
  • addFieldSum($field, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('sum', $field), $alias)
  • addFieldAvg($field, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('avg', $field), $alias)
  • addFieldRound($field, $decimals = 0, $alias = null) as a shortcut for addField(new Func('round', $field, new Expression((int)$decimals)), $alias)

Where condition

A where equals condition is built like this:

// SQL: select * from `people` where `name` = James
$people->select()->where('name', 'James')->get(); 

If you need to use a different operator just pass it as the second argument.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `age` > 18
$people->select()->where('age', '>', '18')->get(); 

Passing an array as value will comma separate the values:

// SQL: select * from `people` where `city` in (Zürich, Bern, Basel)
$people->select()->where('city', 'in', ['Zürich', 'Bern', 'Basel'])->get(); 

You can also use the whereIn method which will do exactly the same thing.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `city` in (Zürich, Bern, Basel)
$people->select()->whereIn('city', ['Zürich', 'Bern', 'Basel'])->get(); 


// SQL: select * from `people` where `city` not in (Zürich, Bern, Basel)
$people->select()->whereNotIn('city', ['Zürich', 'Bern', 'Basel'])->get(); 

Warning: When passing an empty array to whereIn or whereNotIn the condition will be simply skipped.

Create a where statement

->where('name', 'ladina')
->where('age', '>', 18)
->where('name', 'in', array('charles', 'john', 'jeffry'))

Method definition:

public function where($column, $param1 = null, $param2 = null, $type = 'and')


Data type Variable name Comment
string|array|\Closure $column The SQL column or columns.
mixed $param1 Operator or value depending if $param2 isset.
mixed $param2 The value if $param1 is an opartor.
string $type the where type ( and, or )


static The current query builder.

Chaining conditions

By default using where will add the conditions using the logical and operator:

// SQL: select * from `people` where `age` > 18 and `city` = Zürich
    ->where('age', '>', '18')
    ->where('city', 'Zürich')

you can use the methods orWhere and andWhere to specify which logical operator you want to use.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `city` = Zürich or `city` = Bern
    ->where('city', 'Zürich')
    ->orWhere('city', 'Bern')

Where NULL

Sometimes you need to know where something is nothing.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `deleted_at` is NULL

Or reverse where it is not nothing.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `deleted_at` is not NULL

And of course, this also works with an or operator between the conditions.

// SQL: 
//   select * from `people` 
//   where `last_login` > 1502276478 
//   and `deleted_at` is NULL 
//   or `is_admin_since` is not NULL
    ->where('last_login', '>', time() - 86400)

Grouped Where

Sometimes things get more complicated and you need to group some conditions together, we can do that by passing a function to the where method.

// SQL: 
//   select * from `people` 
//   where `is_admin` = 1 
//   or ( 
//      `is_active` = 1 
//      and `deleted_at` is NULL 
//      and `email_confirmed_at` is not NULL 
//   )
    ->where('is_admin', 1)
        $q->where('is_active', 1);

There is no layer limit so you can put Closure into Closure.

// SQL: select * from `people` where `is_admin` = 1 or ( ( `is_active` = 1 and `is_moderator` = 1 ) or ( `is_active` = 1 and `deleted_at` is NULL and `email_confirmed_at` is not NULL ) )
    ->where('is_admin', 1)
            $q->where('is_active', 1);
            $q->where('is_moderator', 1);
            $q->where('is_active', 1);

Reset Where

If you find yourself in a situation where you just need a clean start you can reset all where conditions any time:


Grouping / Group By

Adding a group by statements is fairly simple.

// SQL: select * from `people` group by `age`

Or with multiple groups:

// SQL: select * from `people` group by `age`, `is_active`
$people->select()->groupBy(['age', 'is_active'])->get();

Add a group by statement to the current query

->gorupBy(['category', 'price'])

Method definition:

public function groupBy($groupKeys)


Data type Variable name Comment
array|string $groupKeys The keys on which the data should be grouped on.


static The current query builder.

Ordering / Order By

Also nothing overwhelming here. By default, the order direction is asc.

Order by single column:

// SQL: select * from `people` order by `created` asc

Change the direction:

// SQL: select * from `people` order by `created` desc
$people->select()->orderBy('created', 'desc')->get();

Order by will also accept custom expressions.

// SQL: select * from `cars` order by brand <> bmw desc
use ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Expression as Ex;

$cars->select()->orderBy(new Ex('brand <> bmw'), 'desc')->get();

Multiple columns

Sort on multiple fields:

// SQL: select * from `people` order by `created` asc, `firstname` asc
$people->select()->orderBy(['created', 'firstname'])->get();

Sort on multiple fields with different directions:

// SQL: select * from `people` order by `lastname` asc, `firstname` asc, `score` desc
    'lastname' => 'asc',
    'firstname' => 'asc',
    'score' => 'desc',

Add an order by statement to the current query

->orderBy('modified_at', 'desc')
// multiple order statements
->orderBy(['firstname', 'lastname'], 'desc')
// muliple order statements with diffrent directions
->orderBy(['firstname' => 'asc', 'lastname' => 'desc'])

Method definition:

public function orderBy($columns, $direction = 'asc')


Data type Variable name Comment
array|string|Expression $columns The column or colums to order by.
string $direction The sort direction (asc, desc...).


static The current query builder.

Limit / Offset

Because fetching trillions of records from the database makes your app probably crash we need to be able to limit queries.


To set the limit use the method with that exact name:

// SQL: select * from `people` limit 0, 10

Using the exact same method you can also set the offset. So when two arguments are given the second one acts as limit and the first one as the offset. This might seem confusing but I wanted to stay as close as possible to SQL.

// with offset 100
// SQL: select * from `people` limit 100, 10
$people->select()->limit(100, 10)->get();

Set the query limit

// limit(<limit>)
// limit(<offset>, <limit>)
->limit(60, 20)

Method definition:

public function limit($limit, $limit2 = null)


Data type Variable name Comment
int $limit
int $limit2


static The current query builder.


If you like things a little bit more expressive you can also use the offset method.

// SQL: select * from `people` limit 100, 10

Set the queries current offset

Method definition:

public function offset($offset)


Data type Variable name Comment
int $offset


static The current query builder.


The page method is just a helper that also sets a limit and offset. The default page size is 25.

// SQL: select * from `people` limit 0, 25

// SQL: select * from `people` limit 125, 25

// SQL: select * from `people` limit 250, 50
$people->select()->page(5, 50)->get();

Note: Pages always start at 0!

Create a query limit based on a page and a page size

Method definition:

public function page($page, $size = 25)


Data type Variable name Comment
int $page
int $size


static The current query builder.

Distinct select

To make your select distinct simply call the corresponding method.

// SQL: select distinct * from `people`

Distinct select setter

Method definition:

public function distinct($distinct = true)


Data type Variable name Comment
bool $distinct


static The current query builder.