Hydrahon is a query builder, and only a query builder. It does not contain a PDO wrapper or anything. It's built to add query building into existing systems without implementing an entire new Database layer.
This library is still in work.
Hydrahon follows PSR-4
autoloading and can be installed using composer:
$ composer require 'clancats/hydrahon:dev-master'
Again Hydrahon is not built as a database library, it's just a query builder. In this example, I'm going to present you an easy example of a PDO mysql implementation.
$connection = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=my_database', 'username', 'password');
$hydrahon = new \ClanCats\Hydrahon\Builder('mysql', function($query, $queryString, $queryParameters) use($connection)
$statement = $connection->prepare($queryString);
if ($query instanceof \ClanCats\Hydrahon\Query\Sql\Select)
return $statement->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
Please note that in the following examples the variable $h
contains a Hydrahon query builder instance.
In our example we are going to execute multiple operations on the same table, so instead of loading the table over and over again we store it in a variable.
$users = $h->table('users');
Also, the examples do not show the run
method, which has to be executed to (obviously) run the query.
$users->select('name')->where('age', '>', 18)->run();
There are also other runners to cover common use cases.
single result
Instead of retrieving an array of results you can direclty access a single one.
$users->select()->where('name', 'jeffry')->one();
first and last result
Returns the first result of table orderd by the default key id
// or
You can also pass a different key.
count results
This special guy returns you the count of the current query:
$users->select()->where('age', '>', 18)->count();
single column result
Sometimes you just need one value, for that we have the column function
$users->select()->where('name', 'johanna')->column('age');
Selecting everything
select * from `users`
Select some special fields. Hydrahon parses your input, that allows you to use the query builder the way you are comfortable with.
$users->select(['name', 'age'])
// or
$users->select('name, age')
select `name`, `age` from `users`
Of course you can alias fields, you can define them as array keys or with the as token.
$users->select(['name', 'age', 'created_at' => 'c'])
// or
$users->select(['name', 'age', 'created_at as c'])
select `name`, `age`, `created_at` as `c` from `users`
Sometimes you might have a special case that hydrahon does not cover natively. For such cases you can make use of raw expressions, those will not get parsed or escaped.
select max('age') from `users`
The where
statement does not only apply to the select
query, but also to update and delete
$users->select()->where('active', 1)
select * from `users` where `active` = ?
You might wonder why there is an ?
in the query. The given 1
gets automatically passed as prepared parameter to avoid sql injection.
Setting multiple where statements will result in an and
$users->select()->where('active', 1)->where('age', '>', 18)
select * from `users` where `active` = ? and `age` > ?
Of course there is also an or where statement.
$users->select()->where('active', 1)->orWhere('admin', 1)
select * from `users` where `active` = ? or `admin` = ?
You can scope wheres by using callbacks.
->where('age', '>', 18)
->where(function($q) {
$q->where('active', 1)->orWhere('admin', 1);
select * from `users` where `age` > ? and ( `active` = ? or `admin` = ? )
in array
Arrays can also be passed as where parameters.
$users->select()->where('id', 'in', [213, 32, 53, 43]);
select * from `users` where `id` in (?, ?, ?, ?)
select * from `users` order by `name` asc
Setting the order direction.
$users->select()->orderBy('name', 'desc');
select * from `users` order by `name` desc
Ordering with multiple keys
Again, there are several ways you can do this, my philosophy is to give you as much freedom as possible.
$users->select()->orderBy('name, created_at');
// or
$users->select()->orderBy(['name', 'created_at']);
// or
select * from `users` order by `name` desc, `created_at` asc
When passing an array, you can also define the direction as array value.
$users->select()->orderBy(['name', 'created_at' => 'desc']);
select * from `users` order by `name` asc, `created_at` desc
The automatic escaping becomes really handy when working with multiple tables.
$users->select(['users.name', 'img.url'])
->join('user_images as img', 'users.id', '=', 'img.user_id')
->where('img.active', 1)
select `users`.`name`, `img`.`url`
from `users`
left join `user_images` as `img` on `users`.`id` = `img`.`user_id`
where `img`.`active` = ?
The default join type is left
, for every join type there is its own method.
When setting the limit to just one entry, you will receive it as a single result and not as result collection.
$users->select()->limit(1); // returns single result
select * from `users` limit 0, 1
$users->select()->limit(2); // returns an array of results.
select * from `users` limit 0, 2
with offset:
$users->select()->limit( 25, 10 );
select * from `users` limit 25, 10
simple paging:
select * from `users` limit 0, 25
The default page size is 25 entries.
users->select()->page(3, 15);
select * from `users` limit 45, 15