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📺 PHP Remote control for Sony Android TVs.

Star Watch


A Command-Line Remote control for Sony Bravia Android TV written in PHP.

It was one of those evenings where I could not find the fu****g remote for my TV. So instead of doing the work I'm supposed to do. I decided to procrastinate by writing this little program that allows you to control your Sony Android TV over the command line.

[license]() [GitHub release]()




If you are using composer you can make use of global packages.

$ composer global require mario-deluna/phptv

Make sure that you have exported the vendors bin path:

$ export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin"

You can also just download and use the prebuild .phar.

$ wget

And if you trust me, add it to your bin dir.

$ sudo chmod a+x phptv.phar
$ sudo mv phptv.phar /usr/local/bin/phptv

Setting up the Pre-Shared Key (PSK)

  1. Go To "Settings" > "Network" > "Home network setup" > "IP control"
  2. Set "Authentication" to "Normal and Pre-Shared Key"
  3. Choose a "Pre-Shared Key". (Default is 0000)

Now you should be ready to use the remote.


To start the remote just enter phptv <the ip of your tv> <psk>.

$ phptv 0000

Remote key controls:

| key | action      | description                          |
| ←   | Left        | Navigate left                        |
| →   | Right       | Navigate Right                       |
| ↑   | Up          | Navigate Up                          |
| ↓   | Down        | Navigate Down                        |
| ↵   | Confirm     | Enter / Confirm                      |
| ⌫   | Return      | Go Back / Return                     |
| c   | Command     | Opens the command prompt.            |
| f   | Forward     | Enter the forward raw commands mode. |
| g   | Home        | Go Home.                             |
| p   | TogglePower | Turns the TV on / Off                |
| m   | Mute        | Mute / Unmute the Tv.                |
| b   | VolumeDown  | Turn down for what?                  |
| n   | VolumeUp    | Turn up the Volume                   |


This is an absolute "just for fun" and "because I can" project. You will be off much faster just using the normal Remote. I still hope you like this little goof.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
